Betekenis van:
swing over

to swing over
  • draaien
  • influence decisively



to swing over
  • omhoog klappen; van stand veranderen
  • influence decisively




swing over


  1. Though they do leap over gaps if provided with structures, they prefer to run along or swing on horizontal and diagonal branches or rope bridges.
  2. As arboreal animals, squirrel monkeys need sufficient climbing possibilities which can be provided by wire-mesh walls, poles, chains or ropes. Though they do leap over gaps if provided with structures, they prefer to run along or swing on horizontal and diagonal branches or rope bridges.
  3. be able to support the vehicle in such a way as to provide lateral stability whether the vehicle is on a horizontal supporting surface or on a slope in order to prevent its leaning further too easily (and in so doing rotating about the point of support provided by the prop stand) or moving too easily into a vertical position and beyond (and in so doing does not swing over to the side opposite the prop stand);